Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So for the first 70 pages I can up with a few questions that came into my mind while reading. Answer the questions with how you interpret them and ask any questions if you had them :)

1) Why do you think Melena keeps having affairs?
2) Is it fair that they don't treat Elphaba correctly because she is green?
3) Would you treat her like how her parents do and the rest of the town?
4) Based on what you read so far, how do you think this connects to the wizard of oz?
5) Do you agree with the town and parents when they say Elphaba is evil? And do you think that Galinda is in fact the evil one?


  1. 1. I think its because Melena is always alone since her husband is always at work, so she is seeking attention and gets that attention from guys she has affairs with.
    2. I dont think its fair that people treat her unfair just because o her skin color. This reminds me of the civil rights movement when african americans were treated unfairly because of their skin color. No one should be treated differently because of their skin color. It doesnt matter whats on the outside, its the inside that matters :] and Elphaba is actually a nice person, she just doesnt look like it so people assume otherwise.
    3. At first, I would be kind of creeped out since she is GREEN and i never really saw a person with that skin color. But, i wouldnt treat her like garbage and just assume shes a weird, evil person.
    4. i think Galinda is the evil one because she is a very mean and conceited person who has to have it her way. She talks bad about Elphaba and keeps trying to get rid of her. Elphaba is the nice one, she is just in a bad situation since she was cursed from birth. Its not Elphaba;s fault that she has peculiar green skin.

    -Monica Sharma :]

  2. oops, my # 4 is actually the answer to #5, sorry!

  3. 1) I agree with Monica. I think she's desperate for attention, because clearly she isn't getting enough from her husband.

    2) Obviously, it's not fair that people don't treat Elphaba fairly because of her skin color. What's new? lol. Then again, I'd certainly be confused if I saw a green person walking around. Ha ha.

    3) I'd like to say I wouldn't treat her the way the rest of the town people do, but I don't know. As far as I know, I think the town is slightly afraid of her because they don't know much about her. Honestly, I think I'd be afraid too. Just a little bit. :) But I'd still try to be nice and everything.

    4) Well we know from the prologue that Dorothy and the rest are gossiping about her. Also, we know her mother is pregnant again (with the wicked witch of the east, perhaps?)

    5) Well, obviously, I don't think Elphaba is evil because at this point we've gotten to know her and we know she's not evil. And I wouldn't go as far as to say that Galinda is evil, exactly. Just stuck up and snotty.
