HEY EVERYONE! Ok, so I left off at page 197... so here we go
CITY OF EMERALDS (Pages 197-222) (continued...)
Elphaba and Fiyero have random discussions here and there. She mentions that she might be involved with some campaigning againt the Wizard and some innocent bystander may be hurt in the process of whatever she is going to do to stop him. Later Fiyero witnesses someone abusing a Bear and he becomes very upset, but decides not to bring it up to Elphaba. Later Elphaba tells Fiyero that she will be involved in some type of activity that will be dangerous and he needs to steer clear of public places. He buys scarves for his wife, children, and Elphaba, and runs into Glinda while buying them. They have some conversation and Glinda brings up Elphaba, but Fiyero doesn't mention anything. He goes back home and Elphaba tells him he should leave town for Lurlinemas Eve, but he refuses. Elphaba leaves the house and he follows her. She wants to kill Madame Morrible, but she is with students, so Elphaba can't. He has lost Elphaba and he doesn't know where she went so eh goes home, and he is beaten to death (I don't know by who). Elphaba goes to a convent for a place to stay and they take her in.
IN THE VINKUS1. The Voyage Out (Pages 224- 231) One of the sister people gave Elphaba a bunch of paper. She is on some kind of journey somewhere or other... Oh, this book confuses me... The cook is mean. The cook has a dog, and Elphaba's page, a little boy named Liir, really likes it. :) Elphaba somehow befriends a bunch of bees. Then they talk about the Kumbric witch.
2. (Pages 232-235) They visit the Yunamata, who are just a tribe of random people I think. The cook completely dissappears, which is odd... Someone accuses the bees of killing the cook, but Elphaba says it wasn't them. Later they leave the Yunamata and approach the Scrow people.
3. (Pages 235-239) They meet the Scrow people and the Scrow rafiqui, who introduces Elphaba and her posse to their princess, Princess Nastoya, who is filthy and uneducated. I really do not understand anything on the next 3 pages or so... I think the princess is an elephant...? The princess tells Elphaba that she must is a witch and she told the bees the kill the cook.
4) (Pages 240-243) They are leaving the Scrow people at this point. The book says something about sacrifice but, as per usual, I do not understand. They enter the Arjiki tribal lands. Kiomo Ko is a week away (I guess that's where she is headed). Then Elphaba goes to save a baby monkey of some sort or something? And she walks on water, which turns to ice? WHAT DOES ANY OF THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING!?!?! I hate this book... Elphaba reaches Kiomo Ko and decides she is going to stay there, and Liir wants to come with her.
THE JASPTER GATES OF KIOMO KO1. (Pages 244-249) Sarmina and her sisters (who are named One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six) are surprised when Elphaba visits them. They allow her and Liir to live with them. Sarmina tells her daughter Nor the story of the Witch and the fox, which is a story of a witch who caught three fozes to eat for dinner and she put them in a cage but they outwitted her and sang ehr to sleep, and then the sun burned off the door o the cage and they could run free and then the moon blocked the witch inside her cave, and she never came out. Elphaba tried to tell Sarmina about Fiyero's death, but she refuses to hear it.
2. (Page 250-255) Manek and the other children think that Elphaba is a witch. Liir tells them that her broom is magic, which they do not believe. Elphaba visits Sarmina, who tells her she doesn't want to know anything about her husbands death, and tells Elphaba that she must move to a different tower with Liir.
3. (Pages 255-258) Elphaba likes her room. One day she find sisters Two through Six chasing around Chistery (her monkey) and she yells at them. Nor took Elphaba's paper also. She was very angry. Then, one Lurlinemas morning all of the children got presents except for Liir. :'(
4. (Pages 259-264) Elphaba goes to visit the sisters to apologize for yelling at them about Chistery, and they begin to discuss Fiyero's death. The sisters believe that Fiyero had been having an affair with Glinda and was found and murdered by her husband, or they think Fiyero got into some political scandal, or maybe he was a spy. Elphaba begins to tell them what she thinks but Sarmina come in and interrupts them.
5. (Pages 264-268) Elphaba and Sarmina look at some books. Sarmina tells Elphaba that an elderly gentleman gave her a book in exchange for a place to stay for a while. He said the book was from another world and was too valuable to burn so he gave it to her to hide.
6. (Pages 268-272) Manek and Liir and Nor and the children decide to play Hide and Seek. They hear Elphaba trying to teach Chistery to speak and it isn't working well. The children don't tell thr adults about this. The adults ask Elphaba about her magic broom and she says she doesn't know if its magic or not.
7. (Pages 272-274) The children decide to visit Chistery and see if he can tell them about Elphaba, which, of course, he can't because he's a monkey and he doesn't speak. Elphaba finds them and kicks them out of her room.
8. (Pages 274-278) The children play Hide and Seek again. Manek tells Liir to go hide in the well and no one will find him. Liir gets scared, but he does it because Manek peer pressures him. Later, the sisters are looking for Liir but no one can find him, and Manek doesn't tell anyone where he is.
9. (Pages 278-280) Nanny comes to visit Elphaba and everyone. Nanny brings them news of the Wizard and lets them knwo that he has declared himself Emperor.
10. (Pages 281-286) Everyone discusses where Elphaba's name comes from. She was named after Saint Aelphaba of the Waterfall, who was so beautiful that she got tons of attention. When she couldn't stand it any more, she grabbed a bunch of grapes and ran behind the waterfall to live by herself, and was never seen again. Later, the children find Liir. They wonder how he got down a well, but Manek pretends he had no idea how that happened. When they pull out Liir, he is dead, and Nanny and Elphaba try their best to revive him, and he comes to life again. :) YAY! As Manek is walking out the door, thinking of new ways to upset Liir, Elphaba thinks about how an icicle would be an excellant weapon and stares at it, and it hits Manek in the head and he dies.