HEY EVERYONE! Ok, so I left off at page 362! AND IN THIS POST I WILL (HOPEFULLY) FINISH THE ENTIRE BOOK!!! YESSSS!!! Alrighty, here we go!
6. (Pages 362-365) Elphaba goes to Shiz to see Madame Morrible (so she can kill her) but Madame Morrible is old and has been replaced. The new Head tells her where to find Madame Morrible, so she goes there. When she gets there, she finds Madame Morrible already dead. She gets mad that she had been waiting 15 years to kill her, and was 5 minutes too late in the end, so she smashed her in the head with a trophy anyway.
7. (Pages 365-371) She runs into Avaric, and she tells him how she "killed" Madame Morrible. He says something about knowing someone named Mrs. Yackle, or something, which scares her for some reason or other. Avaric tells her about a dwarf he met earlier in the day, and he invites her to eat dinner with him and his wife sos he does.
8. (Pages 372-375) She runs into the dwarf Avaric mentioned, and he takes out the dragon clock, showing her life. Apparently, she is a recarnation fo Saint Aelphaba or something? Anywho, he shows a mysterious man giving her mother a drink which knocks her out and then raping her. She realizes that this was the wizard. She wants to see the end of the play, but the dwarf says it hasn't been written yet.
9. (Pages 376-378) Elphaba runs into Boq, and she tells him about how she "killed" Madame Morrible, and he gets all mad at her. Then she gets mad because she says he used to be different. She hunts for Dorothy, and finds a peddler who had seen her. He mentions Dorothy had a straw man, a tin woodman, a big cat, and a leopard or something with her. LOL
10. (Page 379) Elphaba is about to give up when she sees Dorothy and her gang on the yellow brick road.
11. (Pages 379-384) Elphaba sees Nanny and talks to her for a while. Liir finally found that fish in the well that "talked" to him. Elphaba has a flaskback of her childhood. She sees something about her father begging for forgiveness for falling in love with Turtle Heart, and he begins to loathe everyone and himself. Elphaba sees herself in Dorothy. Then she drinks some kind of potion and has a nightmare?!?! IDK! Elphaba asks Nanny where she got the potion, but Nanny doesn't remember.
12. (Pages 384-387) There is lots of gossip about Dorothy. Apparently she and her friends visited the Wizard, and they all asked for things, but he said no, and that they have to kill Elphaba first. The Wizard told them that Elphaba is an assassin. Liir says that since everyone asked the Wizard for something he was wondering what she wants the most. She wants a soul, and he wants a father. :'( AWWW!!!
13. (Pages 387-388) Basically she is thinking about religion, and thinking that it can't hurt to believe in the Unnamed God.
14. (Pages 388-389) One of the soldiers proposed that if Dorothy came their way, they should kill all her friends, tie her up, and use her for amusement. That soldier was found bloody and cut up on a windmill rotating while the birds picked at his guts, and he wasn't even dead. I think Elphaba felt bad so she went to go kill him. Elphaba misses Fiyero.
15. (Pages 390-394) Liir's dog Killjoy ran off to Dorothy one day and the tinman killed him. I think Dorothy is coming to Nanny's for dinner? idk! Elphaba invited them over to ask for the shoes, i think.
16. (Pages 394-399) Dorothy arrives and she asks Nanny where the Wicked Witch of the West is. Elphaba tells Dorothy that she killed her sister, and Dorothy is all 'well, that house that hit her technically didn't belong to me.' During their dinner, Dorothy begins crying and sayign how she misses Auntie Em andher family. Dorothy's dog, Toto, reminds Elphaba of Killjoy, her dog, who she misses very much. OMGOMGOMG! THE LION IS THAT CUB THAT THEY WERE TRYING TO EXPERIMENT ON AT SHIZ! And Elphaba saved him! WHOA! Chistery takes Toto, and Dorothy gets all sad and is all SAVE MY DOGGIE!
17. (Pages 399-403) Elphaba asks Dorothy why she has come, and does she plan to kill her. Dorothy says she doesn't know what she's talking about. The Elphaba asks for the shoes, but they are stuck to Dorothy's feet. Elphaba is mad because Liir loves Dorothy so much he would abandon her, plus Dorothy killed her sister, and now she has her shoes. Dorothy sticks her broom into a fire and holds is near Dorothy and demands to know if she came to murder her. The fire caught onto the Witch's dress and Dorothy, in an attempt to save her, splashed water on her.
18. (Pages 403-406) Everyone is glad that the Wicked Witch of the West died, and they all celebrate. Basically, Dorothy gets home, no one misses the Witch or cares, and she never got her shoes after all. OH NOO!! :'(